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COMING SOON:  Starting late January 2023 we will be offering ready to process pastured Berkshires pigs, ready to slaughter. We can likely get you in with a VDAC certified meat processor or you can use your own. We will be selling our pigs based on live weight. We have a scale that will weigh the pig and price is based on "LIVE WEIGHT". This means the weight of the animal before processing. Some others sale their meat at a higher price and based on hanging weight, which is not known until after the pig is slaughtered. By selling based on live weight, the cost is less overall and no back and forth between the processor, the seller or the buyer. On average, a live weight pig at approximately 250-lbs will yield about 195-lbs of hanging weight; 78% of the live weight and another 20% is lost in moisture and trimmings for an approximate 156-lbs of retail cuts. We will be selling: Whole, Halves, and Smoker size pigs. Our ready to slaughter pigs will be approximately 6-7 months old and about 240-250 lbs roughly. Our "Smoker-Pigs" will be approximately 75-lbs and usually yield about 50-lbs. If you would like more information on our prices please don't hesitate to contact us about our Free-Range Pasture Raised Berkshire-Pork For Sale. 

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